Hi friend,

Welcome to our home.

Anything we can do for you, we will. - because we know you’re doing your best.

All we ask in exchange - is that your best includes providing that same courtesy and patience to everyone you can. A skill we all agree to prioritize, at the very least, while in this space.

Our belief is that effort and labor are not a prerequisite for being considered valuable, and are instead - a natural resource that flowers from every human being that is provided the right conditions. Our goal is to point our personal labor and effort towards creating those conditions for everyone we can.

We do this by providing space for individuals to investigate what their interests, passions, and desires are - and encouraging them to define for themselves how to turn those discoveries into a meaningful and sustainable life, while making the fewest possible compromises.

While “working” might be part of that process for some, we don’t abstractly value it over healing, over learning, over personal-growth or community building. We do not value it over resting. We refuse to put “work” above anyone - including ourselves.

By starting there, we hope to create a community in which we are fueled and motivated by the experience of being alive - not coerced into labor to prove we deserve it. No-working is anything we do, ironically including traditional work, that moves us towards that goal.

So, come in!

Ask for what you need and give up what you don’t.

Be yourself, do your best,

Take your time <3



monday to friday:

8:00 - 9:00 - meditation practice & related bullshit 

9:00 - 6:30 - no-working (pursue the life you deserve)

6:30-10:30 - daily special

daily specials:

monday - movie night

tuesday - not-a-meeting

wednesday - book club

thursday - community dinner

friday - catch of the day

suggested donation: 5/day, 20/week, 60/month

contact luis for address and access (text: 2505077370, instagram: @unauthorizedwiggles)






what to expect:

At the moment, what we have is our apartment and our things. It's just our home, but we don’t believe in accumulating capital first and building community second. What we have - we offer.

We hope that from here, we can expand our world together.

In terms of what you can use the space for, the answer is: anything you'd like.

As long as you understand why we are here - which is to hold a space that is as helpful as possible, for as long as possible.

This mission naturally creates certain common sense priorities.

Some are very straight forward: such as not getting us evicted, cleaning up after yourself, respecting everyone’s boundaries, etc. while others require more active involvement: such as actively combating racism, classism, transphobia, misogyny and all other anti-human ideologies, especially within ourselves.

If you find either of these tasks difficult to commit to, we may ask you to reconsider if this is where you want to be.

Be yourself, do your best,

take your time <3